What states, country, or bodies of water border it? Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas
What is the state capital? Baton Rouge
What are some major cities? New Orleans,Baton Rouge
What is the area (in square miles) of your state? 51,843
What is the highest point and how high is it?Driskill Mountain 535 feet
What is the lowest point and how low is it?New Orleans 8 feet
Tell when it became a state and what number it is. Louisiana became the 18th state on April 30, 1812.
How did the state get its name?It was named after France's King Louis the 14th
Tell about a historic figure from this state.Huey p. Long was a lawyer in New Orleans
Who is the governor? Bobby Jindal
Who are the U.S. senators from this state?David Vitter,Mary Landrieu
How many U.S. House of Representatives members are from this state?7 members
State flag:
List resources mined in the state:Natural gas, salt, and sulfur.
List crops grown in the state: soybeans, cotton, and sugarcane
What is the average high January temperature of the state capital? 58 degrees
What is the average high July temperature of the state capital? 91 degrees
What is the average low January temperature of the state capital? 38 degrees
What is the average low July temperature of the state capital? 74 degrees
What is the average precipitation for January of the state capital? 4.9 in
What is the average precipitation for July of the state capital? 6.7 in
What is the population of the state 4,533,372 (2010 U.S. census)
State bird: brown pelican
State flower: magnolia blossoms
State tree: bald cypress
State song: "Give me Louisiana" and "You are my Sunshine"
State nickname: Fisherman's Paridise
Other -motto Union Justice and Confidence
Where is somewhere to go and enjoy yourself in this state? Kisatchie National Forest - provides opportunity for many kinds of recreation activities including: camping, picknicking, swimming, fishing, boating, hiking, hunting, horseback riding, off - highway vehicle use, nature study, sightseeing, and road & mountain bicycle riding.
What other interesting things did you learn about this state?I learned Louisiana has lots of water.
Bibliography (Where did you find your information?):
McAuliffe, Emily. Louisiana Facts and Symbols. Mankato, Minnesota. Capstone Press. 2003.
Louisiana State History. http://www.theus50.com/louisiana/ .
U.S. Senate. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?State=LA .
Baton Rouge Weather. http://countrystudies.us/united-states/weather/louisiana/baton-rouge.htm .
Louisiana. http://www.50states.com/louisian.htm .
Fact Monster --States. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0108219.html
U.S. House of Representives. http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/olm110.html
Citing sources:
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Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 1:39 pm on Mar 18, 2007
Excellent work! Thank you for taking part in this project.
Anonymous said
at 9:15 am on Mar 21, 2007
I learned a lot of information from you about Louisiana.
Huey Long is a very interesting person. Now, I want to find out more.
Fabulous job! Thank you!
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